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International Emergency Medical and Security Assistance Insurance

Mandatory Insurance for Global Travelers

Last modified July 9, 2024

Virginia Tech Policy 1070: Global Travel Policy, requires all university-supported travelers to enroll in a specific, contracted, international emergency medical and security assistance insurance policy prior to departure. That policy is currently with Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI), underwritten by ACE American Insurance Company, with support assistance from AXA Assistance.

CISI Policy Brochure - Study Abroad

CISI Policy Brochure - Study Abroad

CISI Policy Brochure - Business

CISI Policy Brochure - Business

About CISI 

  • International emergency medical and security assistance insurance through Virginia Tech's policy with CISI is mandatory for all students, employees, dependents, and guests traveling on university-supported international travel (study abroad, service learning, conferences, internships/externships, competitions, research, field work, business meetings, etc.).
  • This plan is your primary insurance coverage specific to overseas travel (covering emergency medical assistance and evacuation, security evacuation, and repatriation services).
  • Travelers must self-enroll (VT faculty-led study abroad students are enrolled as a group).
  • Coverage can be purchased in small increments (one week/two weeks/three weeks/monthly).
  • Some countries require you to take a national insurance as well.
  • CISI is only for the duration of your program and not for personal travel before or afterwards; you are highly encouraged to obtain similar coverage for personal travel.
  • Frequently, medical benefits function on a reimbursement basis. Travelers that need assistance identifying a medical facility with a direct payment agreement with CISI or that need a Guarntee of Payment should contact On Call International at (603) 952-2660 or
  1. This coverage is provided on a per person fee basis.
  2. The cost for CISI coverage is an allowable international travel expense.
  3. BEFORE ENROLLING!! make note of these CISI Sponsor Codes (“VTH-SE” or “VTH-Other”) which you need to fill out based on the reason for travel, as outlined below:
    • If the trip or program abroad involves students or is for the purpose of exploring, preparing, executing, or evaluating learning or research opportunities for students: use “VTH-SE”.
    • All other Virginia Tech employee travel abroad: use “VTH-Other”.
  4. Click here to enroll (this link will bring you directly to the CISI website).
  • If traveling to more than one country during a single coverage period:
    • Enroll using your first destination.
    • Once you have enrolled, create an account with CISI.
    • After creating your account, update “My Itinerary” with your other destinations and the dates you will be in these locations (this information will be helpful to CISI and Virginia Tech in the event of an emergency).
  1. This coverage is provided on a per person fee basis.
  2. Click here to enroll using the sponsor code "VTH-SE".
  • If traveling to more than one country during a single coverage period:
    • Enroll using your first destination.
    • Once you have enrolled, create an account with CISI.
    • After creating your account, update “My Itinerary” with your other destinations and the dates you will be in these locations (this information will be helpful to CISI and Virginia Tech in the event of an emergency).

All individuals traveling with a Virignia Tech faculty-led program must be enrolled in the mandatory international emergency medical and security assistance insurance policy.

  1. Download Virginia Tech CISI Group Enrollment Template 2024-25.
  2. Fill out all columns highlighted on the spreadsheet.
  3. Submit the spreadsheet in your program's Google Drive folder (DO NOT email the spreadsheet to adhere to FERPA guidelines) and notify  VT Global Safety for enrollment.
  4. Submit payment after receiving an email notification with an invoice to be paid from your study abroad local fund via HokieMart.
  • Dependents are required to be covered by CISI if they are accompanying a sponsor (spouse, parent, etc.) abroad.
  • CISI coverage for VT employees, students, guests, and/or volunteers (individuals with a specific business purpose) is reimbursable.
  • CISI coverage for dependents is not reimbursable and the sponsor is responsible for the costs.

Save and then send as an e-mail attachment to CISI or fax to 203-399-5226.